"The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" is an emotional and captivating TV mini-series based on Holly Ringland’s best-selling debut novel. The seven-part drama follows the life of Alice Hart, a young girl whose traumatic childhood casts a shadow over her adult life. Set against Australia’s stunning natural backdrop, the series unfolds with mysteries and secrets about Alice's family's past. Let's delve into more details about this intriguing show.


"The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" will exclusively launch on Prime Video on August 4, 2023. The series will be available to viewers in over 240 countries and territories, making it accessible to a global audience.

Release Date

The show features a talented cast, with renowned actress Sigourney Weaver playing the role of June Hart, Alice's grandmother. Alycia Debnam-Carey takes on the character of Alice Hart, while Asher Keddie portrays Sally Morgan, Leah Purcell as Twig North, and Frankie Adams as Candy Blue. The series boasts an ensemble cast with various other skilled actors, making it a captivating watch.


Prime Video has released an official trailer that provides a glimpse into the compelling world of Alice Hart. The trailer showcases the secrets and complexities surrounding Alice and her family's past, promising an emotionally charged and gripping narrative. If you're eager to embark on Alice Hart's journey, don't miss the trailer on Prime Video.


"The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" promises to be a must-watch TV mini-series that delves into themes of family, secrets, and resilience. With a talented cast, an intriguing storyline, and breathtaking landscapes, this Amazon Original drama is set to captivate audiences worldwide. Mark your calendars for August 4, 2023, to embark on this emotional journey with Alice Hart.
