Pakistan PM Imran Khan refuses to recognize China’s suppression of helds

Islamabad: Pakistan PM Imran Khan defended his silence on reports on the “genocide” of the Muslims of the Uighur in China, claiming that Islamabad discussed such questions with Beijing “behind doors in camera”. He asked why the world was fixed on Xinjiang while “ignoring what India did in Kashmir”. “It is much more relevant,” he said in an interview with Axios HBO.

The interviewer specifically requested why Khan was so vocal from Islamophobia in the West while remaining silent on the status of Muslims in the Xinjiang of China. “China has been one of our greatest friends of most difficult times. When we really have trouble, our economy struggled, China came to our rescue. We respect how they are and whatever the problems we have, we are talking about closed doors, “Khan said.

He marked the dismissal of the Kashmiris of the West and taking the cause of the uighurs as “hypocrisy”. “China had informed us that Uighurs’ abuse reported in the media was exaggerated,” added Khan.

His comments on China, Xinjiang, the treatment of Muslims of the Uyghur, J & K and India have generated a debate on the Indian social media and Pakistani, with many boarding schools criticizing his remarks. Some called the comments “Total moral cowardice”.

About Pakistan’s expanding nuclear program, Khan said, “I am completely against nuclear weapons. I always was. In Kashmir, the moment there is a Kashmir regulation, the two neighbors would live as civilized persons. We will not need to have nuclear deterrent.”

Khan also attracted the criticism for his remarks on women. He stated that “temptation” plays a role in violence against women in Pakistan. “If a woman wears very little clothes, he will have an impact on men, unless they are robots,” he said. The interviewer pointed out that Khan’s statement appeared hypocritical because he had spent decades as a “Playboy” and was often photographed with women in dug clothes. “It’s not about me,” Khan replied. “It’s about my company. My priority is the way my company behaves … So when I see sex crimes crossing the roof we sit down and discuss how to approach them. This had an impact in my company.

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