Editorial Policy

Writings are acknowledged on the belief that writers in the planning and publishing of biomedical handbooks did not breach ethical practices. The list of activities considered immoral can be found on the website of the newspaper. Writers are/are responsible for all the declarations made in their writing and, if questioned, should be prepared to defend them publicly. Writers should prepare precisely the directions for their manuscripts sent to a publication. Writers are allowed to return or withdraw manuscripts that do not follow the structure and style of the publication. In the manuscript approved for publication, the journal retains the right to make more official changes and language corrections. Writers are not returned with publications and estimates, not even after the paper is rejected.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The Publishing Ethics and Publishing Malpractice Declaration of the Journal of Scientometric Science (JSCIRES) is focused in large part on the principles and criteria established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The related roles and expectations of the writers, readers, and moderators of the publication are listed out already.

Responsibilities Of Authors

The authors require, when sending a document to JSCIRES, that the document is their own original work and that it has not been previously written or is actually being considered somewhere else for publishing. They also warrant that by sufficient quotations and/or quotes, the origins of any thoughts and/or words in the manuscript that are not their own have been correctly credited.

In several publications or publishing venues, an author does not usually publish manuscripts detailing exactly the same research. Such redundant publication is commonly considered to entail unethical publishing activity, and a manuscript under review may be refused or a published article retracted if found.

A detailed description of the work undertaken should be provided by writers of manuscripts reporting on the original study, supplemented by an informed discussion of its importance. In the manuscript, the underlying details should be correctly portrayed. To encourage others to reproduce the work, the manuscript should contain adequate detail and references. The creation of results and the rendering of false or intentionally misleading claims constitute unethical conduct and can cause a manuscript or published article to be refused or retracted.

Where reports from manuscripts on commercial applications, electronics, or other items, the authors have to claim at the beginning of the manuscript that no controversy of interest is present or that any possible conflict of interest is identified. All sources of financial funding for the study should also be disclosed in the document.

The manuscript writers consent that the written article shall be granted to the Creators’ License “Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Respectively” when the manuscript is approved for publication in JSCIRES. This license enables the author(s) to preserve copyright but also enables anyone to freely copy, distribute, and view copyrighted works and derivative works based on them, subject to certain specified conditions.

It is the duty of writers to seek written permission to use in their articles any photographs or artwork on which they do not own the copyright or to adapt all other photographs or artwork for use in their articles. As part of the article under a Creative Commons “Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike” license, the copyright holder must be made expressly aware that the image(s) or artwork will be made freely accessible online.

The identities of the writers must be mentioned in the report and both contributors are responsible for their own contributions. Only those individuals that have contributed substantially should be classified as contributors, and those with indirect or marginal contributions (i.e. colleagues or monitors who have reviewed draught works or offered revision assistance and research institute/center/lab managers) should be referred to as “Accounts,” which is immediately accompanying the article R. at the end of the article The respective author must ensure that the paper includes all necessary co-authors and not insufficient co-authors and that all listed co-authors have read and decided to print the final version of the article.

When an author finds a major mistake or inaccuracy in an article in JSCIRES, he/she has a responsibility to alert the editors immediately and to consult with the editors to rectify or withdraw the article appropriately.

Responsibilities Of Reviewers

JSCIRES critics do volunteering for the newspaper. As most of these people are working full time, JSCIRES analysis must not, necessarily, be their highest priority. Reviewers can refrain from invited reviews of such manuscripts, for example, if they are unable to perform a review promptly and to do justice to the assignment in the available time frames because of their workload and/or other responsibilities. They should not even consider activities for manuscript analysis that they do not feel ready for.

The reviewer who has approved manuscript duties will typically apply their reports within three weeks. If they have at any stage no experience or possible conflict of interest (such as a consequence of competitive or collaborative ties or other connexions with any of the authors, organizations, or related companies) they must refuse to carry out this mission. they may refuse to carry the mission.

Privileged information or ideas received by peer testers must be held secret and not used for their own gain. Any manuscripts submitted for review should, unless approved by the Publisher, be regarded as confidential papers.

Reviewers are expected to do so as critically as possible when performing their analyses without rendering a specific critique of the author(s). They are urged to make all the suggestions well understood, to clarify, and to defend them. They should still try to provide thorough to positive input, even though the manuscript is not publishable in their view, to assist the author in enhancing its work.

Reviewer(s), along with cases in which adequate allocation of references was not given, should recognize specific published work in their reviews which had not been quoted by the author(s). You must attract the attention of the responsible editor of a manuscript under consideration of any substantial similarity to other written documents or papers that you are aware of, as well as any questions that you have about the ethical acceptability of the study in the manuscript.

Responsibilities Of Editors

The publisher is ultimately responsible for deciding whether to publish a manuscript submitting to a journal, guided by the editorial board’s policies and restricted by any legal requirements that would be applicable in connexion with libels, copyright violations, and plagiarism at that time. In making publication choices, the Editor may consult the Associate Editor and other team members as well as reviewers.

Publishers shall test manuscripts for their academic content irrespective of a writer’s caste, citizenship, or political ideology, or nationality, color, gender, sexual orientation, religious convictions. They can not have information about any manuscript other than the author(s), reviewer(s), prospective reviewers, and in some cases the members of the editorial board. The publishers also aim to maintain the credibility of the method of blind review by not disclosing to the reviewers the name of a manuscript’s author(s) and vice versa.

When reviewing a publishing document, the editors would also look for proof that ethical harms have been diminished in their actions in addition to recognizing common standards for the thoroughness and accuracy of the presentation of a document and its relation to the stock of know-how in the human race. They will wonder if the advantages outweigh the harms in the specific case. Since journals welcome the presentation of manuscripts from all countries, the laws and regulations on research ethics and ethical approval must be recognized worldwide. As such, the publishers will have to ask the writers to explain the matter and to include a letter from the respective Committee on institutional ethics or board of the study endorsing it.

In considering retracting, issuing expressions of concern, and making corrections to papers published in JSCIRES the editors would be directed by the criteria for retracting papers of COPE. The organizations and institutions are dedicated to working closely with the advice of COPE on cooperation between Research Institutions and Research Integrity Case journals.