Delta variant accounts for 80% of new COVID-19 cases: Govt expert panel chief

The Delta variant is mainly responsible for the second wave of Covid-19 in this country, taking into account more than 80 percent of new cases, Dr. NK Arora, chair with the Indian SARS-COV-2 genomic consortium, which underlines that these cases can rise if a new variant More contagious comes.

This variant is also around 40-60 percent more transmitting than its predecessor, Alfa variant, and has spread to more than 80 countries, including the United Kingdom, US and Singapore.

The Delta Plus-AY.1 and AY.2 variant is detected in 55-60 cases in 11 states, including Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh and are still studied due to transmission, virulence, and vaccines. Characteristics, said Dr. Arora, according to the statement of the Ministry of Health Union.

The Delta variant has a mutation in its surge protein, which helps it bind Ace2 receptors on the cell surface more firmly, making it more transmitting and able to avoid immune, said Dr. Arora.

“B.1.617.2, Covid-19 variant known as Delta variant, was first identified in October 2020 in India, and was mainly responsible for the second wave in this country, today takes into account more than 80 percent of the new covid. -19 Case, “he said.

It appeared in Maharashtra and traveled north along the western state of the country before entering the middle and eastern state.

On whether it caused a more severe disease compared to other variants, Dr. Arora said there was a study that showed that there were several mutations in this variant which promoted the formation of syncytium.

“In addition, because it attacks human cells, it replicates faster. It leads to a strong inflammatory response to organs such as the lungs. But it is difficult to say that the disease is due to more severe Delta variants. Age profile and second wave death in India Very similar to what is seen during the first wave, “he said.

“Delta Plus-AY.1 and AY.2 variant has been detected in 55-60 cases in 11 states, including Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh. AY.1 is also found in countries such as Nepal, Portugal. , Switzerland, Poland, Japan, but AY.2 is unusual. The variants are still studied for transmission, virulence, and escape vaccines, “he said.

Dr. Arora said the current vaccine was effective against the Delta variant according to the study conducted by ICMR on this issue.

In some parts of the country still witnessing bursts in the number of cases, he said, even though there was a significant decline in the number of cases in most countries, several regions witnessed a positive rate of high tests (TPR), especially in the northeastern part of the regency and several districts in the southern state, Most of these cases can be caused by the Delta variant.

On whether future waves can be prevented, Dr. Arora said the virus began to infect part of the population, the most vulnerable and also affected by infection. Diminishes after successfully infecting most of the population and attacked again when immunity developed in post-natural people faded infections.

“These cases might rise if a newly contagious variant comes. In other words, the next wave will be driven by the virus variant where a significant proportion of population is vulnerable,” he said.

The second wave is still ongoing. Every future wave will be controlled and postponed if more people are vaccinated and most importantly, people follow the appropriate behavior of Covid effectively, especially until the substantial part of our population will be vaccinated, it emphasizes.

People need to focus on vaccination and compliance with Covid behavior to manage Covid-19, he added.

There is a need to maintain a strict surprise on the emergence of a variant of concern and plague so that they can be contained before they spread to a larger area.

The SARS-COV-2 Genomium Consortium (Insacog), was established in December 2020,

“We have formed 180-190 clusters with around four districts in each cluster. Regular random swab samples and samples of patients who experience severe diseases, vaccine breakthrough infections, and other atypical clinical presentations, are collected and sent to regional laboratories to sort. Current capacity This country is for sequential more than 50,000 samples per month; previously around 30,000 samples, “he said.

New mutations / variants that are certainly cultured and scientific studies are carried out to see the impact on infection, virulence, vaccine efficacy, and the nature of the wealthy runaway.

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