Knife Attacker On Tokyo Train Wanted To Kill “Happy Women”: Report

Tokyo: The man accused of injuring 10 people in a knife attack on the Tokyo commuter train at the end of Friday told the police he became angry when he saw a woman who “looked happy” and wanted to kill them, Japanese media reported on Saturday.
The police arrested the 36-year-old man in the other part of Tokyo after he slashed and stabbed the people in the attack around 8:40 a.m. (1140 GMT) on Friday on the train in the western part of the city in the west, the media reported.

A woman, a student, was seriously injured, while the rest suffered a less severe injury.

Sankei’s newspaper reported that the suspect told the police: “I began to feel like I wanted to kill a woman who looked happy about six years ago. Is there a fine, I just want to kill many people.”

Other media, including NHK broadcasters, reported similar quotes from the suspect.

A police spokesman said they had nothing to share in the details of the case when asked about media reports on Saturday.

Violence crime is rare in Japan but there is a series of blade attacks by attackers who are not known by the victims.
In June 2008, a man in a light truck advanced to the crowd in the popular Akihabara district and then jumped out of the vehicle and began piercing pedestrians, leaving seven dead people.

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