How to Take Care of Kids during Stomach Infections

Every year all around the world, thousands of children succumb to several diseases. The causes are many. Sometimes it is a killer disease, sometimes there is a lack of funds for treatment, yet there are times when there is no proper medical attention available. Of all the diseases – diarrhoea is one among them.


Although it is a preventable and treatable disease, it is the second leading cause of death in children. Every year, 525000 children around the globe lose their lives. If proper measures are taken, it can be prevented and, a child can escape malnutrition. It is a disease that can last for a few days.

Diarrhoea is characterized by three different kinds of bowel movement that are:

  • Loose
  • Liquid
  • Watery

Symptoms and Result

It will lead to dehydration because of excessive water loss from the body. To make up for this fluid loss, plenty of water along with ORS should be consumed. The loss of important minerals like sodium and potassium should be taken care of in children.

If a child is unattended to, severe conditions such as decreased urination, pale skin colour, fast heart rate, and slow responsiveness are symptoms enough to set the alarm bells ringing.

Causes of Diarrhoea

There are many reasons for stomach infection in children, but the most common cause is the presence of a virus, bacteria, or even a parasite in the system. This infection is contracted from contaminated water or food or a person already infected with it.

This contamination is easily prevented if hands are properly washed with quality soaps and hand wash. The utensils that are used for cooking should also be properly cleaned with liquid soap specifically manufactured for this purpose by branded companies.


There is an old proverb that says it is better to prevent than to cure it. And it stands true for every preventable disease. Diarrhoea is a preventable disease, and it can be prevented with adequate measures like:

  • Improved and proper sanitation
  • Drinking clean water
  • Regular hand washing
  • Vaccination against rotavirus

Children can be saved if they are administered the right doses of clean water with salt and sugar – a simple home remedy. It should be supplemented with zinc tablets. It has been known to have saved up to 50 million children in the last 25 years.

Stomach Infections

In children, rotavirus is the most common cause of stomach infection. But we cannot do away with other bacteria and viruses like Campylobacter and norovirus – common causes in adults. This condition can easily be taken care of in many ways like eating properly cooked food, drinking clean water, proper disposal of human waste, etc.

Mild cases of stomach infection can be treated at home, but severe cases require hospitalization with the administration of intravenous fluids and antibiotics. But young children should be given antibiotics to prevent fever and diarrhoea with blood.


Children belonging to the underdeveloped and developing world are worst affected by stomach infections. They need a lot of care. It can only be taken care of with proper conditions. But we should not miss out that they should also be given adequate amounts of hygienic products like soaps, hand wash, and disinfectants in the least. Good health alone means nothing without proper body care products to maintain the level of hygiene.

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