ETIM may shift to ISKP with Taliban-China alliance over Xinjiang

With the US really handed Kabul and the country into a Sunni Pashtun Islamists on August 31, the fundamental question from an Indian perspective is whether Afghanistan will stabilize below exhausted American Army and M-4 Carbine which bring the Taliban or Islamic emirate latest will remain Bring burden of history and remained stable as usual. British, Soviet, and now we have burned their hands in Afghanistan and may have no appetite for military adventures in the country. Will China with its client countries Pakistan, the mother of the Taliban and all terrorist groups, will be able to take advantage of the situation with the former exploit the mineral resources of Afghanistan under the initiative garba belt (BRI) and Rawalpindi got so -Kalled strategic depth against India?

Despite the financial and military influence Beijing outstanding and survive on the Pakistani military and civilian rule, the answers to the questions above, as it has done in Afghanistan and will be broken tribes and ethnic lines, and there is a fracture in the ultra- conservative Pashtun. Already, there are intelligence reports that came about ignorance in Kandahar between Taliban leadership for a share of the political pie in Kabul.

While the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not like the US and the Soviets were not expected to cross the rubicon to become active politically or militarily in Afghanistan, it will definitely be using his new friend, the Taliban, for taking action against some 500 Islamic movement of Turkestan (Etim) warrior Xinjiang Uighurs goal was the liberation from the yoke of Beijing. Etim fighters, mostly located in the province of Badakshan in northern Afghanistan related to Xinjiang in China through the Wakhan Corridor. Although the Taliban has traditionally had close relations with Etim, Pashtuns are concentrated in the South and his was the minority Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Uighur and Chechnya which comprises the bulk of Taliban cadres in northern Afghanistan. If the Taliban began to harass minority Afghanistan, this is a non-Pashtun elements to be joined with a core of resistance Panjshir in the future. Already, intelligence reports from Afghanistan and Turkey show that the ETIM group will shift his allegiance to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) because they fear the Taliban will act against them and hand them over to the MSS, the Chinese secret service. Is the very reason for the Chinese want us to redesign Etim as a global terrorist group, which is a bit rich countries that sit on the appointment of the Head of Jail UN-e-Mohammed Azhar as a global terrorist for nearly three years.

Other Chinese interest in the Taliban regime in Kabul is to ask the Islamic leadership of Sunni Pashtun forces to put pressure on their relatives, Tehreek-e-Taliban, crossed the Durand line to buy peace for their CPEK projects in Pakistan. While the TTP attacked the Chinese citizens involved in projects CPEC in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and collect Kashmir, Balochistan militarily the rebels take the Chinese and Pakistan in Gwadar Deep Sea project. While the TTP had sworn allegiance (Bayat) to the Taliban never seen Haibatullah supreme leader Mullah Akhundzada, has made it clear that it will continue to target the GHQ from Rawalpindi in Pakistan and does not need the protection of a secure Afghanistan terror.

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