Top US general in ‘pain and anger’ over Afghanistan situation after withdrawal

The rapid recovery of Afghanistan by the Taliban came in the middle of the United States withdrawal, and many considered a “tactical error” to leave the nation torn by the war at the mercy of activists.

With the United States completing his withdrawal troops in Afghanistan, ending his long-term mission of two extended military decades in the country ravaged, one of his generals has now expressed “pain” pain And anger “on the situation that has long suffered the earth now invaded by the Taliban insurgents. “When we see what has deployed over the last 20 years and in the last 20 days, which creates pain and anger,” General Mark Milley, President of the Chiefs of Staff, Wednesday. “And mine comes from 242 of my soldiers killed in combat more than 20 years in Iraq and Afghanistan. »

Milley added, however, that he was a “professional soldier” and thus went to contain his pain and anger and continue to execute the mission to accomplish.

In particular, Afghanistan’s American withdrawal, which was completed Tuesday morning, was dissected as “hasty” and “chaotic” by many critics of the Biden administration, including the former US President Donald Trump, several Republican leaders. , and officials even in China and Russia.

The rapid recovery of Afghanistan by the Taliban came in the middle of the United States withdrawal, and many considered a “tactical error” to leave the nation torn by the war at the mercy of activists. “Afghanistan under biden has not been a withdrawal, it was a capitulation,” Trump had said, adding that leaving the people behind death is an “unforgivable breach of duty, which will remain in infamy. »

Now, one of the main generals of the Army of Biden has also dissatisfied with the decision voiced by the administration to mark a chaotic and disordered exit from the longest war of Afghanistan. “I have all the same emotions, and I’m sure the secretary does, and all those who served,” said General Milley. “And I ordered troops. And I did not born a four-star general. I walked the patrols and was blown and fired on and rpg’d and everything else. My pain and anger come from the same thing as bereaved families, the same as those of the soldiers who are on the ground. »

The “disorder” that the Biden administration had made on the withdrawal in Afghanistan was exacerbated, according to the critics, by the terrorist attack on Kabul Airport which killed 13 American soldiers, including 10 members of the Marine Corps, many who were barely in their twenties.

Secretary of the United States Defense Lloyd J Austin III Wednesday honored those who died during the war in Afghanistan. “Our forces risked their lives to save the lives of others, and 13 of our best, paid the ultimate prize,” he said, adding that the administration managed to evacuate about 6,000 American citizens and a total of more than a total of 124,000 civilians from Afghanistan.

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