CBD Oil for Dogs: What Exactly is it for?

Cannabidiol oil commonly known as CBD oil has many uses and works for so many health issues. As a result of its effectiveness in treating human ailments, this wonderful product is now being used for dogs.

Some years back, many health professionals including veterinarians would have argued about the safety of administering CBD to canines. However, with so many stories of its effectiveness, many vets are changing their minds. You can take a look at cheefbotanicals cbd oil for dogs to read more of these testimonials.

Nevertheless, the question remains, “what does it work for?” That is the question we seek to answer in this article as we discuss the health issues this product works for.

Before we look into that, there is something very important you must know. This information will help you understand this product better.

Types of CBD Oil

The best type of cannabidiol that should be used for dogs is that gotten from hemp and not marijuana. The former contains less than 0.3 percent of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which means that the possibility of your dog getting high from the product is zero to none.

However, cannabidiol extracted from marijuana contains THC higher than 0.3% and is not safe for your Fido. Therefore, when you go to the stores, ensure that you get only hemp-based cannabidiol goods.

Furthermore, hemp-extracted CBD oil is of two main types: Hemp oil and hemp seed oil. How are they different? Well, the former is extracted by processing the entire hemp plant, while you get the latter from just the plant’s seed.

The cannabidiol from the hemp seed doesn’t have any THC or any other cannabinoids (compounds found in cannabis plants). Click here to know more about cannabinoids. CBD from hemp oil is different because it contains other cannabinoids. It is then further divided into broad spectrum and full spectrum.

Broad spectrum contains other cannabinoids such as terpenes but doesn’t have tetrahydrocannabinol. On the other hand, the full spectrum contains other cannabinoids including tetrahydrocannabinol (but not higher than 0.3 percent).

Now that we have that covered, let’s see what cannabidiol does for your canine…

What Cannabidiol Oil does for your Dog

There are several health challenges this product can be used for, but we will look at the most important ones…

1. It Alleviates Pain

Yes, your dog can feel pain. Pain is not exclusive to humans, but all animals with pain receptors can also feel pain and that includes your furry friend.

Just like you take drugs to relieve pain, you can give your tyke cannabidiol to relieve its pain. The efficacy of this treatment has been observed by scientists. Hence, plans are ongoing to make this product a chronic pain novel drug class.

2. It Reduces Anxiety

Several things can cause your mutt to develop anxiety issues. It could be due to being separated from the owner, noise, previous trauma, etc. After several observations, a conclusion has been drawn that cannabidiol helps humans deal with anxiety.

Since we share some biological similarities with our canine buddies, it is expected that they will experience the same results when the product is given to them. Pet owners who have used this product on their pets have equally testified of the anxiety-reduction effects.

3. It Increases Appetite

Sometimes your pooch may be unwilling to eat which could be a result of so many factors. Visit https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/guide/dog-not-eating-possible-causes-and-appetite-solutions#1 to find out why your dog is not eating and the solutions you can use.

Apart from the solutions listed in the article shared above, giving your pooch cannabidiol is a very effective solution. We recommend administering full spectrum rather than broad spectrum or hempseed oil. The reason for this is because of the entourage effect which it gives.

The entourage effect is a result of all the other compounds apart from cannabidiol that make up the product. Hence, the effect and its benefits are enhanced.

4. It Aids in Seizure Management

A study has revealed that close to 5% of dogs have seizures. This can be disturbing to a pet parent especially one who is not always with their pets. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to either prevent or reduce the occurrence of such seizures.

Phenobarbital and potassium bromide are commonly used to control dog seizures. However, they have come under heavy fire because of the likelihood of damaging internal organs of which the liver is most likely to be affected.

Apart from the fact that they could lead to serious damage, it has been discovered that they do not work in some cases. Hence, the need to get an alternative becomes all the more important.

Careful observation of epileptic and seizure human patients has revealed that the rate of these health issues reduced a great deal in less than 4 months when they were treated with full spectrum. This moved many to also administer the product on canines and the result was the same.

Therefore, if you are looking for a treatment that will help your four-legged friend that is suffering from seizures, then we recommend you try out full spectrum cannabidiol.

5. It Enhances Cardiovascular Health

Administering CBD oil to your hound will enhance its cardiovascular health a great deal. It is known to help in the protection of blood vessels, reduces the negative effect of damaged blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, aid arteries dilation, and steadies irregular heart rate.


What does CBD oil work for on dogs? That is the question we have answered in the article above. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments section.

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