‘Not same as 20 years ago’: US President Joe Biden says country better equipped to deal with terrorist threats

“US isn’t an equivalent country it had been when it had been attacked on 9/11, 20 years ago. Today we are better equipped to detect and stop terrorist threats and that we are more resilient in our ability to repel them and to reply ,” Joe Biden said.

US President Joe Biden on Tuesday said that his country was better equipped and more resilient than it had been 20 years ago during the September 2001 attacks or more commonly referred to as the 9/11 attacks. Biden made the remarks during his address at the 76th session of the United Nations general assembly (UNGA).

“We must also remain vigilant to the threat of terrorism poses to all or any our nations emanating from distant regions of the planet or in our backyard. we all know the bitter sting of terrorism. Last month, we lost 13 American heroes and lots of Afghan civilians within the heinous surprise attack at Kabul airport,” Biden said, pertaining to surprise attack near the gates of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul earlier on August 26.

he US administration also retaliated against the Islamic State of Khorasan (IS-K), the group which claimed it had been behind the deadly attacks, killing the planner suspected of plotting more attacks.

Further, he also said that the US wasn’t an equivalent country because it was 20 years ago, pertaining to the 9/11 attacks. “US isn’t an equivalent country it had been when it had been attacked on 9/11, 20 years ago. Today we are better equipped to detect and stop terrorist threats and that we are more resilient in our ability to repel them and to reply ,” he said.

“We skills to create effective partnerships to dismantle terrorist networks by targeting their finances and support systems, countering their propaganda, preventing their travel also as disrupting imminent attacks. we’ll meet terrorist threats that arrive today and within the future with a full range of tools available to us including working in cooperation with local partners in order that we’d like not be so reliant on large-scale military deployments,” Biden said during his address.

The remarks came because the US completed its total pullback from Afghanistan on August 31, a rustic where it’s been present for on the brink of 20 years . Following the drawdown folks troops, several countries, including the US’ close allies like the uk , Germany and other Nato countries, scrambled to evacuate their personnel, embassy staff and citizens along side Afghan nationals who wished to maneuver out of the country.

The Taliban had rapidly appropriated the country after the US announcement during a few days and on Assumption , reached the capital city Kabul. Also, the US recently marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks earlier on 9/11 when Biden visited all the sites of the attack.

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