Rory Farquharson Net Worth 2021

The strike of being in a relationship with someone notorious is that you’ll be in the limelight of the media, whether you want attention or not. The same thing happed with Rory Farquharson, who got known because of the relationship with Barack Obama’s son Malia. From 2017, when the couple was first time spotted, Rory came the center of the media’s attention. 

 Stay tuned, and you’ll find out emotional details about Rory’s life and net worth. 


Rory Farquharson was born into the aristocratic British family in 1998. Rory’s mama, Catherine Farquharson, works for London’s Upper Tribunal as an accountant. On the other hand, his father, Charles Farquharson, is the Chief Executive of Insight Investments Management Limited. He grew up with his family in the luxurious part of Wood Bridge, Suffolk. 

 During the high- academy education, Rory was part of the rugby platoon, and in 2015, he came the head of academy. According to some sources, Rory was quite the catch during that time, and he was extremely popular. 

In the rugby videotape that was released during the Rugby World Cup Opening Form, he showed up together with Prince Harry. He was the part of the Blue Bunsen Society, the academy chemistry club. Either, Farquharson represented his academy in golf. 

 He spent one summer in Northern Ireland, where he served as an intern at the Center of the Democracy and Peace Building. Also, Rory cooperates with his royal kinsman Andrew Farquharson, who’s Assistant Master of the Queen’s Household. 

 Presently, Rory is studying at Harvard University in the banking sector, the same as his father. 

 Relationship with Malia Obama 

 Farquharson and Malia started the relationship in November 2016, when they’ve been seen kissing before the Harvard-Yale game. That was the first time that they were spotted together, and subsequently, they were seen again in the New York thoroughfares. 

Each time they were seen laughing, and it seems that they’re in a happy and married relationship. 

 The couple met in the Ivy League academy in Cambridge, and since also, the love catcalls are spending a lot of time together. 

 Rory Farquharson Net Worth 2021 

Until now, Rory’s net worth isn’t revealed, as he’s still pursuing his Harvard law degree. Still, it’s not a secret that he’s living a luxury life together with his aristocratic family. 

 At the time, he attended Rugby School in London, which has an periodic figure of£, and that’s one of the attestations of his family’s wealth.

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