IOB Net Banking Registration and Activation Online

Do you have an account with IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) and want to know more about Net IOB banking registration? If yes then you are in the right place. In this article, we have shared all details on how to register for internet banking at IOB with the activation process.

Internet banking has helped a lot in making our lives easier. Returning to the time when we have to visit the bank just to check our account balance or transfer money is a task that is quite time consuming. But now with the help of internet banking or online banking, we can access our bank account from anywhere anytime. E-Banking has played a major role to increase customer banking satisfaction. Just like other banks, IOB also provides internet banking facilities to their customers. IOB account holders can access their account 24 × 7 using their internet bank account.

IOB Net Banking Registration Online in Easy Steps

If you have not completed your net IOB banking registration, you can follow the simple steps given below anywhere to start internet banking today.

Step 1 – Open the official website of the Indian Overseas Bank Internet Banking Click the link –

Step 2 – Click the “New User Registration” option on the right side of the website. For references, check the image below.

IOB Net Banking Registration

Step 3 – After you select the new user registration option, you will be transferred to a new page called individual registration. Individual registration forms have 4 different parts where you have to provide detailed information such as special users, special personalities, special contacts and special accounts. This form is very important in the registration of clean banking IOB, so make sure you fill in every detail correctly.

  • User Particular – In this section, You have to enter Details Like Login ID & Password. Make Sure You choose a Strong Password no one will be able to access your account.
  • Personal Particular – Here You have to choose salutation, Enter Your First, Middle, and Last name.
  • Contact particular – In this Section, You have to provide your Resident Status, Country, Email & Mobile Number. Make sure the mobile number you are providing should not be off.
  • Account Particular – This is the most important section of the individual Form. Now you have to Enter Your 15-Digit Account Number, nickname, and Fund Transfer option.

After you give all the information now enter the text displayed in the image and click the Send button at the bottom of the web page. (Check the image below for reference)After you click the send button, the application form will be generated, just download the form and get the mold.

How to Activate the IOB Net Banking?

Simple IOB Activation Process. You must send the application form to the nearest Boi branch. Just ask the bank executive to activate clean banking on your account. After being activated, you will receive a confirmation message in your email and a registered mobile number. If the account is not activated after submitting the form, you can send IOB with account details to or you can share your concern with the executive of customer service by calling 044-28519460/28889350

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