Queen Elizabeth’s Steely Daughter Princess Anne Shows Rare Emotion

Princess Steely Ratu Elizabeth II, Princess Anne, rarely let her emotions appear but sadness has been engraved on her face since her mother’s death.
With his brother, King Charles III, called to London, was handed over to the second child of Queen to accompany the Scottish procession from Balmoral on Sunday.

Dressing black grieved, he silenced when eight kilt soldiers brought heavy coffins to the official Scottish residence of the king’s official, Holyroudhouse Palace, in Edinburgh.

Sophie’s sister-in-law, who married his younger brother Prince Edward, was seen putting a hand that was comforting on his back after that.

On Monday, Anne, 72, wearing a ceremony uniform of a royal Navy Admiral, walking with Charles, Edward and their brothers Andrew when the coffin was borne from Holyroothouse to the Cathedral of St. Giles.

He will also accompany the queen’s coffin on a flight back to London from Edinburgh on Tuesday.

Anne’s role can now change depending on whether Charles pursues a slim monarchy. But he might find his closest brother, the stone support when he adjusted to his new role.

Learning the hard way

Anne has received a reputation as the loudest working kingdom, squeezing in his career as an Olympic horse rider along with a lifelong public involvement.

Throwing a lot of print the same as his father Prince Philip, Anne reportedly described herself as “not everyone’s ideas about a fairytale daughter”.

“You learn in a difficult way,” he said. “There is no school for royalties.”

He never tried to please the press, saying he did not “take action” and had told the photographer to “Naff Off”.

Anne has carved his own way through the royalties of the old world of her parents and hugged more modern ways for her own children.

He has also received respect for his work to support hundreds of charity and organizations.

In 1974, he was the target of kidnapping efforts when his car was ambushed. Two police officers, the driver and a pedestrian were shot and injured.

An account issued by the National Archives said that the striker Ian Ball directed his weapon to Anne and said: “I want you to come with me for one or two days, because I want 2 million pounds.

“Will you get out of the car?”

The princess answered briefly: “It is impossible to bleed – and I haven’t got 2 million pounds.”

Anne sticks to a beautiful and casual classic mixture, keeping her thick and up-do hairstyle throughout her adult time.

He adopted attitudes like a business that sometimes means he appeared frozen, and resulted in his sharp and dry sense of humor often.

Gifted horse rider

Born on August 15, 1950, Anne was taught at the Buckingham Palace before starting the boarding school in 1963.

He inherited his mother’s desire for the horse and the young daughter became a skilled horsemen.

Anne won the 1971 European event championship and the British public chose the BBC sports personality that year.

“I certainly see it as a way to prove that you have something that does not depend on your family and it depends on you to succeed or fail,” he said about a horse -riding career.

He married Equestrian Mark Phillips in 1972. The marriage was an international event watched by around 500 million people.

Anne represented England at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, back without a medal after a very bad fall – memorable for TV viewers, although not for him.

The brain was frustrated, he absorbed his horse again but did not memory at all.

He was a member of the International Olympic Committee in 1988 and was in the Organizing Committee for the 2012 London Olympiad.

Anne and Army First Husband have two children – the Director of the Peter and Equestrian Zara Sports Event.

Breaking the tradition, the couple decided that Phillips could not accept the title so that their children would be free to determine their own lives.

Zara, who is married to former British Rugby captain Mike Tindall, will follow his parents to the Olympics, win silver at the team event in London 2012.

Divorce and remarriage

Anne was given the title of Princess Royal, who was traditionally given to the eldest daughter of the king, in 1987.

Two years later, he separated from Phillips and the couple divorced in 1992.

Nine months later, Anne married the Commander of the Navy Timothy Laurence, a former Equerry with Queen Elizabeth.

They were married in Scotland because the British Church did not allow divorce re -marriage.

Anne supports more than 300 charity bodies, organizations and military regiments, including relations with Save the Children which has lasted more than 50 years.

He regularly occupies the top of the charts to carry out the most involvement, and write his own speech.

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