Tips to Increase Your IVF Success Rate

IVF is one of the most crucial medical procedures in every couple’s life, and it doesn’t matter if you are going for the best IVF centre in India or the best IVF centre in Delhi; you are going to do some things on your own to increase your success rate. So, let us talk about some ways that can help you increase your IVF success rate. 

Tips To Increase Your IVF Success Rate

  • Drinking five cups of coffee or more per day can reduce your chances of success with IVF by up to 50%. While more research on pregnancy and coffee consumption is needed, most experts suggest limiting coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day or less during IVF treatment and pregnancy.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet before beginning the IVF cycle. You must consume a variety of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. It should be noted that you should not change your diet abruptly but rather gradually implement the desired changes.
  • Reduced alcohol consumption during IVF treatment may improve your chances of implantation. A glass of wine or a beer here and there, on the other hand, is usually not a problem.
  • To reduce excess stress on the body, it is recommended that you take it easy during your IVF treatment. That is not to say that you should avoid all exercise.
  • It is recommended that the male partner refrains from ejaculating 3-4 days before sperm collection during IVF. That includes refraining from having intercourse or engaging in manual stimulation. Avoiding sexual activities that aggravate the cervix, such as deep penetration, is also a good idea. Aside from that, sexual activity is permitted 24 hours after the embryo transfer.
  • According to research, mothers with a healthy BMI and who exercise have a better uterus for pregnancy. Obesity and being underweight increase the time it takes to conceive by 2 and 4 times, respectively. As a result, both being overweight and underweight harm IVF success. Furthermore, being overweight makes it more difficult to examine the ovaries during the IVF cycle and increases the risk of complications during oocyte retrieval.
  • Supplements and vitamins can help with IVF success and pregnancy health. However, before taking supplements, talk to your doctor because some supplements may interfere with your fertility drugs.
  • Many organs and processes in the body are repaired while sleeping at night. Furthermore, getting enough sleep increases the chances of embryo implanting, which can aid in a healthy pregnancy and the success of IVF. As a result, infertility specialists recommend that people sleep between 7 and 8 hours per night.


That concludes our detailed analysis of some of the best tips that can help you increase your IVF success rate. If you follow these tips, then it will be easier for you to ensure that this highly delicate procedure works in your favor.

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