www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

Even small changes in your routine can make a substantial impactful on your health, such as starting each day with lemon water.

Best doctor discusses seven compelling arguments why adopting this easy habit might be worthwhile.

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www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficialDrinking lemon is as beneficial

Acid Aids Digestion

Stomach acid plays an essential role in digestion. Lemons may provide additional support by replenishing our depleted stomach acid levels with their powerful acidity content – especially as we age and our levels begin to diminish over time.

Helps You Remain Hydrated

Most of us don’t drink enough water. Making lemon water part of your daily routine is an easy way to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day and start off on the right foot. A simple way of telling if you are drinking enough? Your urine should almost become clear.

Weight-Loss Friendly

Habit is hard to break. Imagine what switching out your morning OJ or latte for lemon water could do over time: not once but twenty times per month — multiply that by 10 years — your waist line will thank you.

Prevents Oxidation

Prevents Oxidation Its Lemons contain phytonutrients that protect your body against disease. Their powerful antioxidant properties prevent cell damage caused by oxidation – the same mechanism responsible for rust formation.

Good Source Vitamin C

Juicing half a lemon into your water will provide an effective dose of Vitamin C at only six-calorie cost and more than one sixth of your daily requirement – essential to protecting cells against damage and healing injuries.

Your body relies on potassium for proper nerve and muscle communication, transport of nutrients and waste materials, blood pressure regulation and health regulation – fruits and vegetables are great sources of this vital nutrient!

Helpful in kidney stones

Lemon water may help relieve painful kidney stones for those deficient in urinary citrate (a form of citric acid). Furthermore, increased fluids help avoid dehydration – one of the major contributors to kidney stones.

For optimal enjoyment of lemon water beverage usage.

Here’s how:

Simple squeeze half of a lemon into a glass of water every day and enjoy its health-giving benefits! There’s no right or wrong time or place; any time and any place is good enough.

Do not neglect the peel. Harness its nutrients by zesting an organic lemon and using it in baking and cooking.

Will It Harm My Teeth?

Lemon acid can potentially damage enamel, but by taking small sips of lemon every now and then it should not pose any harm to your enamel. As long as you do not make lemons part of your daily regiment of indulging, everything should be fine.

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