Feminized Versus Autoflowering Seeds: Which is The Best for You?

If you have decided to grow your marijuana, then you will need to visit a seed bank more than before. In the seed shop, you will come across various types of seeds, the main ones being feminized and auto-flowering. Now, here is where most growers get confused. If you don’t know a lot about feminized and auto-flowering seeds, then you might have a hard time selecting what you want. There are other categories of seeds like regular and trained and engineered. However, if you want to choose between these two main categories, then you need a lot more information about them. Here is a clear distinction between feminized and auto-flowering seeds. It will help you in choosing the right one for you the next time you visit a great bank like the United Strains of America. This article will also discuss the advantages of each seed.

Feminized Seeds vs Auto-flowering Seeds

Determining which seeds are best for you relies on various factors including your goals and objectives. Feminized seeds are the seeds that produce female plants only. That means once you grow your seeds, you will get female plants only and this is a big advantage. On the other hand, auto-flowering seeds are preferred by beginners. This is because of their ease of cultivation and quick harvest. In short, auto-flowering seeds produces flowers immediately after the plant matures in about 2 to 4 weeks after sprouting. So, how do these two differ from each other? Here are the pros of each.

The Pros of Feminized Seeds

  • Contains More THC

Plants grown from feminized seeds have more potent compared to those from auto-flowering seeds. However, that does not mean that auto-flowering seeds do not have good potency. Actually, auto-flowering seeds come with more than 20% THC. Nevertheless, feminized seeds have more THC than auto-flowering seeds.

  • Best for Clones

If you have quality feminized plants and would like to keep them for future use, you can simply cut a clone and store it in a place with 18 hours of light every day. The good thing is that the plant continues to grow but will not flower. You will get new shoots and leaves that you can also cut for more clones. You can also get clones from auto-flowering seeds. However, the clone will still flower regardless of the amount of light it gets. So, you will have to let the plant pollinate itself and produce more seeds.

  • Allows Re-vegetation

Re-vegetation means you can grow the plant again after the big harvest. Normally, after you harvest the buds, you are left with a stump that is almost good for nothing. The case is different with feminized seeds. It is possible to make the plant grow again for another season. This is not possible with auto-flowering plants.

  • Requires Only 12 Hours of Light During Flowering

During the flowering stage, feminized plants require 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. That means 12 hours of saving on electricity. This can be very advantageous, especially when your electricity costs a lot. For auto-flowering plants, you will need to ensure 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This can quite add up to your electricity bill.

The Pros of Autoflowering Seeds

  • Best for Any Climate

This is a big advantage, especially if you live in an area that experiences harsh weather conditions. If you choose feminized seeds, you will have to grow those that can tolerate frost and cold. They might take longer to flower, and others might not even see maturity. However, with auto-flowering seeds, you don’t have to worry about the climate. You can choose the most suitable climate for you and grow your plants. For instance, you can use about 2-3 months of warmth during the year. This time is enough for autos to complete their life cycle.

  • Possible to Grow Flowering and Vegging Plants in the Same Room

If you are growing various photoperiod feminized plants, you have to keep them in separate rooms. If the plants are on their vegetable stage and the others in their flowering stage, you must apply a different amount of light. One has to have 18 hours of light while those in the flowering stage should get 12 hours of light. This is simple with autos. You can put the plants in different stages in the same grow space under 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness.

  • No Issues With Lighting

For outdoor feminized or photoperiod plants, you have to make sure that the nights are dark. The plants do not react to moonlight, but you will have to keep away artificial lights. For indoor growth, you will need to seal off the space to keep off the light. This is very different with autos. Light is one of the least issues you can deal with when growing auto-flowering plants.

  • More Than One Consecutive Harvest for Outdoor Growth

Autos allow you to have several harvests in one season. Instead of having one large harvest, you can have several small ones. However, this will depend on the climate in the present. Having some plants on their harvest stage while others are on their vegetable stage is fine. It means you will never run out of plants.


These are the main differences between feminized seeds and auto-flowering seeds. Now that you know them, you have an idea of the best choice for you, depending on your expertise. If you want plants with great yields and potency, the feminized seeds are for you. However, if you are a beginner with little knowledge, time, space, and experience, then auto-flowering seeds are the best option. This is because auto-flowering seeds are quick and easy to grow to a bountiful harvest.

Remember, this is a crucial decision for growers since each seed has its unique advantages and setbacks. However, one point worth mentioning is that you can always expect a good harvest if you choose high-quality seeds. This is regardless of whether you choose feminized or auto-flowering seeds. So, if you are ready to buy the best seeds, then be ready for a smooth grow process and high-quality yields at the end of the season.

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