Little Known Facts about Syrian Refugee Crisis

The Syrian conflict brought about the worst humanitarian crisis that no one ever imagined. Since 2011 a significant percentage of Syria’s population was forced to flee their homes in search of safety. Up to date, most families are still struggling to cater to their basic needs, and millions require basic humanitarian assistance. Moreover, some families are internally displaced and still need help. The crisis continues to threaten many lives after the war broke out. There are various ways to help, though!

 For how long has the crisis been going on?

Syria’s civil war has already entered its second decade. The last ten years have been the most devastating decade for most counties and are a series of significant milestones. For instance, in March 2011, part of the Arab Spring, anti-government protests began. In July the same year, the conflict was declared a civil war as violence was widespread in most parts of Syria. 

As the situation worsened, the Zaatari Refugee Camp was opened in 2012 in Jordan and hosted about 120,000 refugees in the first year. In December 2019, the largest displacement happened due to renewed bombings and airstrikes. This forced over 961,000 people to flee for months, and many people still wonder how to help Syrian refugees.

How many people a misplaced?

From the estimates, about 6.7 million people are internally displaced within Syria. A significant number includes women and children. It’s also important to note that nearly two-thirds of the population needs urgent humanitarian help even before the crisis. Although many have since fled the country, the situation is still dire.

 How much support is needed?

As the crisis gets more complex, more and more people need help. As per the UN, about $3.8 billion was required in2020, and this would be used to cater to the essential needs. However, only half of this amount has been raised, and there’s still so much need for support. However, there’s minimal information about the crisis, which hinders many from providing their support. The more you learn about the situation, the more you’ll be inclined to help.

 What are the effects of the war on the Syrians?

As the violence increases and Syria continues to make headlines, the United Nations and government officials continue to deliberate on the way forward. As the people’s future is caught in between the crisis, many continue to suffer in different ways. Years of violence, displacement, and loss have been experienced, and no one can predict when this will end.

 Can I tell you more? Thousands of people have succumbed to the violence, and overcrowding has overwhelmed cities. Human rights violations are also common, and this is made worse by many people being compelled to flee their homes.

How can I help?

 There are various ways to offer support. These include;

  • Donations
  •  Fundraisers 
  •  Volunteering 
  • Hosting refugees in your home
  •  Becoming an advocate of the refugees.

The bottom line

 The Syrian crisis has affected Syrians in many ways. Many have escaped their homes due to the increased violence and bombings, and this is a crisis worth supporting. You can support in various ways, and this will go a long way.

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