UK college student’s energetic dance to desi dhol beats wins hearts. Viral video has 2 million views

Music is the only component which could unite human beings from all around the world. And to show that we’ve the best video for you this Sunday! Packed with a laugh and frolic, this video of a university cultural fest has long past viral and after looking it you’ll discover your self smiling.

Shared on Twitter with the aid of using Sunny Hundal, the quick clip become firstly shared on TikTok. The video begins offevolved with a scholar dancing at a cultural feature in a university. He may be visible surrounded with the aid of using college students wearing numerous attires as a tribute to their culture. After the dhol begins offevolved playing, all of the college students be a part of the dance with flags in their domestic countries.

“Modern Britain,” reads the candy caption.

The video has garnered over 2.1 million perspectives and lots of reactions. Many commented that it’s miles pretty not possible to withstand the beat while a dhol is played. Others talked about how top notch it become to look all of the college students taking part withinside the cultural event.

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