US House Passes Bills To Protect Abortion Access Across Country

The US House of Representatives adopted two bills on Friday aimed at protecting access to abortion after the Supreme Court decided that each state could prohibit or limit the procedure.
The legislation ratified by the council controlled by Democrats is not possible, however, to advance in the senate, where 10 Republican votes will be needed to bring steps to the floor.

“Only three weeks ago, the Supreme Court took the ball that destroyed the basic rights by canceling Roe V. Wade,” said Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi, referring to important cases that capture legal access to abortion.

“That is why today, the majority of pro-women who are pro-women stand firm,” Pelosi said. “We will take further action to maintain women’s reproductive freedom.”

The first bill, “Law Protection Women’s Law,” only adopted with democratic support, will legalize abortion throughout the United States.The DPR passed a similar bill last year but failed in the Senate.

Another bill adopted on Friday will provide legal protection to women who leave one country to undergo abortion in another country.

Some conservative countries have banned abortion since the Supreme Court’s decision, and around half of the US US states are expected to impose a close or total ban in the next few weeks or months.

Democratic President Joe Biden condemned the abortion decision last month by the Supreme Court who was dominated by conservative and had urged Americans to leave in large quantities to vote in the midday semester election.

The ruling party tends to perform badly in the midterm exam, and Democrats are at risk of losing their majority in the DPR and their slender grip in the Senate.

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