Quiet Quitting: Why Doing Less At Work Could Be Good For You And Your Employer

In many offices (not to mention in zoom, team and slack), employees and managers are both whispering about “great resignation”. Britain saw a sharp increase in people who quit their jobs in 2021, and one fifth of British workers still said they plan to resign next year to find greater job satisfaction and better wages.
If you are unhappy at work, but leaving your job is not a choice or there is no interesting alternative, you might want to try “Stop Silent”. The trend only to do the minimum expected at work has taken off in Tiktok and is clearly in harmony with young people.

It also has frustrated managers, with some reportedly worried about their employees loose. But stop calm is not about avoiding work, this is about not avoiding meaningful life outside of work.

The last 20 years have seen many people joining excessive global work culture, with unpaid workers to be the expected part of many jobs. After some global recession and pandemic, millennium and generation Z in particular often do not have the same job opportunities and financial security with their parents.

Many young people in professional jobs who expect relatively easy progress in life have struggled with dangerous contracts, work uncertainty and trying to enter the housing stairs. There are people who continue to spend extra time and go beyond work to try and secure promotions and bonuses -but still struggling.

Perhaps in response to this disappointment, a new study of Deloitte found that young people are increasingly looking for flexibility and goals in their work, and balance and satisfaction in their lives. Many young professionals now reject the live-to-work lifestyle, by continuing to work but do not allow work to control them.

Working with a minimum capacity may feel foreign. But you (and your employer) should not be afraid to stop calmly – it can actually be good for you.

Working less is good for mental health

Research has found that the balance of work life is related to mental health in various jobs. And the 2021 survey of 2,017 British workers by the Glassdoor website employer found that more than half of them felt they had a bad balance of work life. Calm down aims to restore the balance where the work has crept into your personal time.

This can also help separate your self -esteem from work. When everything you have is only working, it’s hard not to get your value from it.

Failure that is felt at work, such as not getting a promotion or recognition for your achievement, can be internalized as a personal failure. This can increase anxiety, make you worry about how to improve your performance. Often, people respond by doing more work, further worsening the excessive work cycle and low self -esteem.

The dangers of burnout

When everything becomes very bad, it can cause fatigue. In 2019, the World Health Organization officially recognized fatigue as a work phenomenon marked by feelings of thinning, fatigue, cynicism, mental distance from work and worse performance. Burnout is an excessive risk of excessive and can have a physical, emotional and long -term mental impact.

Fatigue is difficult and expensive for individuals and entrepreneurs. Many people with fatigue finally take work leave, or at least work with full capacity. Quiet stop can create a better balance of work and personal life and thus can protect from fatigue before that happens.

Better work relationships

Research shows that happier employees are more productive and involved. This can even reduce feelings of disturbance or not want to be present.

When people feel happy they are more likely to be more friendly and more open, fostering friendship at work, which are reported as an important part of their pleasure at work. The calm stop focus is only doing your work also eliminates the negative impact of the feeling of continuous feelings in competition with peers.

Having friendship in the workplace taps the basic needs we will feel ownership and in turn can increase loyalty to work and improve work performance. All of this can produce greater productivity, which of course means higher profits.

A calm stop can be a “great liberation” in response to a great resignation. People refuse excessive work and fatigue and choose balance and excitement. They build limits so that their identity and self -value are not bound by their work productivity.

Instead of being nervous because of loss of productivity, entrepreneurs must take advantage of a quiet stopping movement to support the welfare of their staff. Encouraging a better balance of work life will communicate with workers that they are valued, which leads to greater involvement, productivity, and loyalty: everyone wins.

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