Should you be using neem for dandruff?

A tree native to the Indian subcontinent, neem has been used for centuries in traditional medicines to deal with diabetes, malaria, worms and even dental care. Almost every part of the tree is used for some form of medicine and is also used in food or for pest control. 

But when talking about neem for dandruff, it’s mainly the leaves which are used. Let’s explore some of its benefits.

What are the properties of neem?

This tree has been introduced to various parts of Africa and Asia, with the intention of using neem leaves for dandruff and other skin conditions. Here are some of its inherent characteristics:

  • It is antifungal and antibacterial.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe irritations. 
  • Antioxidant in nature, which can reduce the chances of premature ageing.
  • Contains vitamin E and fatty acids, which has moisturising tendencies.
  • Can potentially aid hair growth by strengthening hair follicles. 
  • Has wound healing properties and works against infections. 
  • Neem has shown to be effective in fighting hair lice. 

But what about neem leaves for hair dandruff?

Dandruff can be an annoying affliction that befalls almost 1 in 2 people across the world, caused by a fungus that is commonly found on the scalp – Malassezia Globosa. There is always potential for oil build-up on your scalp, either due to over-secretion or a lack of cleansing. This is feeding ground for the fungus, which breaks down the oil into fatty acids that your body might react to. You’re left with redness, an itchy scalp and white-yellow flakes of dead skin cells. 

Neem’s attributes make it a natural defence against dandruff. It has strong antifungal properties that can attack the dandruff-causing fungus and reduce the impact on your scalp. Neem use for dandruff can also help in soothing the scalp itch and any discomfort. Additionally, it can clean any build-up and dirt on your scalp, depending on how you apply the neem leaves for hair dandruff. 

How should you use neem for dandruff?

Because this tree figures heavily in Ayurveda and folk medicines, there are different ways to construct a neem remedy for dandruff:

  • Neem water – This is like creating your own neem shampoo for dandruff. Take neem leaves and boil them in water. Remove it from the heat and let it cool down before you use it. Then apply it like a natural cleanser on your scalp and hair, which can also give you relief from itching. 
  • Neem oil for dandruff – You can buy these in the market, but ensure that the quality is good. Use these with carrier oils like coconut oil or add them to your shampoo to potentially create your own neem anti dandruff shampoo. If using the carrier oil method, apply it to your hair and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash with a gentle shampoo after. 
  • Coconut oil and lemon juice – Instead of buying neem oil for hair dandruff, you can use neem leaves for dandruff at home. Heat them in coconut oil, allowing it to cool down before straining the mixture. Add a bit of lemon juice and then massage this neem oil for dandruff into your scalp. Wash with a shampoo after.   
  • Hair masks – You can create your own hair masks with neem, using either curd or honey. Add crushed neem leaves to either of them and create a neem paste for dandruff. Apply this paste to your hair and scalp, leaving it in for about 15-20 minutes. You can also add fenugreek seeds to the curd mask. Always wash thoroughly with a shampoo afterwards. 
  • Neem shampoo for dandruff – Just like you get neem oil for hair dandruff, you also get shampoos that have been specifically formulated to tackle the dandruff causing germs. You can use products like the Head and Shoulders Neem, which uses the properties of this plant to protect you from dandruff, germs and bacteria. 

Neem has shown to be effective against dandruff, but you should always tread carefully when using homemade products. Allergic reactions are possible and you should conduct a patch test before using it on your scalp. Be careful with the quantities and the ingredients you’re mixing it with, especially when pregnant as consumption can be dangerous. Visit a dermatologist if you’re unsure about the effects or use an anti-dandruff shampoo like Head and Shoulders Neem which is clinically proven to give you upto 100% dandruff protection.

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