Iran can get advanced satellite from Russia: Report

Iran would get a Kanopus-V satellite of Russian equipped with a high resolution camera, said a report.

Iran could obtain an advanced Russian satellite system that enormously increase Tehran’s ability to track the possible military objectives throughout the Middle East and beyond, the Washington Post reported on Friday citing current and previous officials in the US. UU and Middle East. According to officials cited by the publication, Iran would obtain a Kanopus-V satellite of Russian equipped with a high resolution camera that will allow Tehran to “continuously monitor the facilities ranging from Persian Gulf Petroleum Refineries and Israeli Military Bases to Barracks Iraqis who are US troops, “reported the publication. He said that the launch could happen in a few months. The newspaper cited three anonymous sources and said that among them there was a current and ancient official official and an official of the Government of the Middle East, informed about the sale.

The report comes ahead of the US president UU Joe Biden and the Russian Vladimir Putin meeting in Geneva and, while Iran and the United States are dedicated to indirect talks on the reaction of a 2015 nuclear agreement designed for Put curbs in Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for alleviating economic sanctions.

The post said that it quoted the officials that Iranian military officials have been strongly involved in the acquisition of Kanopus-V, which is marketed for civilian use, and the leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard of Iran, have visited Russia several times Since 2018 to help negotiate the terms. of the agreement. Officials, who talked about the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivities that surrounded the collection efforts of continuous intelligence, said that Russian experts traveled to Iran this spring to help train land crews that would operate the satellite of an installation Newly built near the northern city of Karaj, officials said.

The satellite would have Russian hardware, the publication said: “Including a camera with a resolution of 1.2 meters, a significant improvement over the current Iran capabilities, although it is still far from the quality achieved by the satellites of the spies of the United States”. Iran could “task” the new satellite to spy on the places of your choice, and with the frequency with which you want, officials said.

“It’s not the best thing in the world, but it’s high resolution and very good for military goals,” said the Middle East package familiar with the satellite hardware package. “This ability will allow Iran to maintain a precise target bank and update that target bank within a few hours” every day, the official said.

Officials, according to publication, expressed concerns that Iran could share images with pro-Iranian militias groups throughout the region, which have been related to repeated rocket attacks on Iraqi military bases that are the home of troops and the American military trainers.

The revolutionary guards of Iran successfully launched an indigenous military satellite. Noor-1 In April last year, which motivated the then Secretary of State of Mike Pompeo to condemn the launch and said he demonstrates that Iran’s space program is “neither peaceful nor totally civil”, since Teheran has claimed. He told the reporters that the launch was incompatible with the UN resolution 2231 of the Security Council and said that Iran should be “responsible for what they have done.”

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