Evidence On UFOs “Largely Inconclusive”: US Intelligence Report

Washington: A highly expected US intelligence report on dozens of mysterious unidentified flying observations stated that most could not be explained, but did not exclude that some could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The unclassified report, the researchers could only explain one of the 144 observations of the UFO by the staff of the US government and the sources between 2004 and 2021, observations that have often been done during military training activities.

Eighteen of these, some observed from several angles, seemed to display unusual movements or surprised flight characteristics of those who saw them, as holding a high altitude stationary at high altitude, and moving with a speed Extreme without a means of discernible propulsion, the report declared.

Some of the 144 could be explained by natural or human objects such as birds or drones cumbersome a pilot radar or natural atmospheric phenomena, reported the report.

Others could be secret tests of US defense, or advanced unknown technologies created by Russia or China, said.

Yet others seemed to require more advanced technologies to determine what they are, he says.

The observations of what the report calls unidentified air phenomena (UAP) probably lack a single explanation, “said the report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

“We are currently lacking sufficient information in our dataset to assign incidents to specific explanations.”

The report made no mention of the possibility of – or to exclude – that some of the observed objects could represent an extra-terrestrial life.

The military community and intelligence has conducted research on them as a potential threat.

“The UAP clearly poses a safety of the flight and can pose a challenge for US national security,” the report said.

Some could be operations for collecting information from the United States or representing another technology so that the United States army has nothing same.

The report was commissioned after more UFO observations by public pilots become public and pilots and radar videos that had flight objects behave strangely without explanation.

He pointed out that pilots and their aircraft are poorly equipped to identify objects out of the ordinary floating around the sky.

The only one of the 144 incidents in the years covered by the report that was explained proved to be a great deflating ball.

The nine-page report released Friday has not discussed specific incidents.

This was the public version of a more detailed classified version being provided to armed services and conference intelligence committees.

Mark Warner, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the frequency of UFO reports “seems to increase” since 2018.

“The rather unclutory report of today marks only the beginning of the efforts to understand and illuminate what causes these risks of aviation in many parts of the country and the world.” Said Warner in a statement.

“The United States must be able to understand and mitigate threats to our pilots, whether they are drones or meteorological balloons or opponent intelligence capabilities,” said Warner.

In the Pentagon, the Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks issued a memorandum ordering more systematic notification of the UAPs encountered during training and military tests.

“The incursions into our training ranges and designated airspace constitute the safety of flight safety and operations issues and can pose national security challenges,” said John Kirby of Pentagon.

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